Fetch Betch Special Guest: Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader Loren C.

10:05 AM

Loren, former UGA cheerleader turned pro Atlanta Falcons cheerleader, is one majorly talented fetch betch. Not only is she absolutely STUNNING, but she is obviously very disciplined and one of the sweetest betches you'll ever meet. Loren joins us to share her #1 tip for maintaining fetch appeal. 

Hot bod woot, woot!

Loren's #1 tip for being/staying fetch? (You might have guessed it by looking at her photo)... Exercise!

"Dancing is my favorite type of exercise," Loren explains, "It makes me feel good and helps me maintain my fetch status."

Loren on set at a photo shoot in Jamaica.

Listen, I know how it is, sometimes we get lazy and like to pretend that exercise isn't important... but honestly you're just living a lie! Anyone can be skinny...isn't it more impressive to be fit? Working out will make you feel & look good which in turn will give you the confidence to carry yourself well, making everything you wear look a THOUSAND times better!

I give you the Circle of Fetch inspired by Loren, obvi.

Special thanks to Loren for her contributions to today's post and for just being awesome in general. You can catch Loren on the sidelines this season at any Atlanta Falcons football games! Be sure to check her out & give her a 'Like' on her Falcons Facebook Fan Page & tweet her at @AFC_Loren for additional info & tips.

Cheers to the #1 hottest cheerleader ever! See you at the gym, betch.

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